Do I need a Rooftop Cleaning

For most of us, we rarely think about when we will need to get our rooftop cleaned. Generally, we wait until something goes wrong and then try to get it fixed as quickly as possible for as cheap as posible. Although this method may sound easier and less expensive, it can end up becoming much more costly than looking out for signs to answer the ever daunting question; do I need a rooftop cleaning.

Before we start, its important to always remember the rule of thumb: you should get a rooftop cleaning at least once every 4 years.


Do  I need a Rooftop Cleaning?

If you are asking this question, the answer is probably yes.



Method 1: Call a specialist to come check for free

We have specialist that you can call to come check if you actually need a cleaning or not. You can find out more how to contact them on the contact us page.


Method 2: Look for signs of clogging

If you have large trees around your house, there may be leaf accumulations that are clogging your gutters or your drains. This can lead to water damage if not dealt with promptly. If you fall in this category, then make sure to check your gutters and have someone come and check them to avoid permanent damage in the long run.



Method 3: Use the rule of thumb

If it’s been more than 1 year since your last rooftop cleaning, it’s time to clean it again. This is the only way to be 100% certain that you roof will remain in great condition over the longterm. We have seen countless instances of clients that put off their roof cleaning until they had flooding and other problems with their roofs, which ended up costing them more than if they had simply performed an annual rooftop cleaning.



These are some of the ways to answer your question: Do I need a rooftop cleaning.

Find out more at Toit à Toit Entretien.



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